cometh the hour, cometh the thoughts..

Hmmm.. So I’ve been on a thinking spree.. On a rather enchanting yet arduous one at that.. It’s like that giant joy ride at the amusement park that amuses you first but as the speed increases to its max, you begin to feel nauseous..!! I guess that's what free time does to you. Your self-proclaimed-introspection by way of your random-to-the-core tut-tuts and self inflicted scrutinies start taking up gigantic concrete forms, much like that of a rotten shady egg, smelling profoundly of squalor, the sudden shattering of which threatens to engulf your senses in a vast sludge of delusional emotions which have this tendency to play havoc-havoc with your normal disposition.. So when this rotten demoniacal egg assumes a size that would put a dinosaur to a complex, it becomes vital to make the egg boil taking care to keep it from rupture, and ensuring at the same time the slime is quietly transformed to a soft disposable mass.. And thence thou embark on thy blogging voyage..:P No, I’m not ...