"The storm after the lull.."

So the long enduring voyage of MBA preparation and admissions has finally culminated. Spanning several months in duration, it's been a fulfilling and enlightening experience to say the least. I had often come across various personal interview (PI) experiences of past aspirants. I often wondered what was so big about an interview.. The airs and the hype have finally cleared.. The 'big' interviews had some funny as well as 'not at all funny' moments. But they have altered the course of life in a very interesting way.. some of those amusing instances in the top B-schools need to be shared.. so here goes.. The interviewers are represented as I1, I2, I3. And they were mostly a blend of middle aged and experienced industry experts in most colleges. EXCERPTS- @ IIM-C ( I3 turned out to be from gurgaon only and happened to know a lot about the place and the area where I lived.) ………… I3: so you think gurgaon has turned up well? Me: yes sir, it’s a popular perception. I3: so...