Our Attitude Determines Our Altitude...

e we ever content with what we have? Are we ‘truly’ satisfied with what we achieve whenever we do it? The answer to the not so a million dollar question draws the line between what I perceive ‘positive attitude’ or the negative side of it …

A careful introspection of our intrinsic behavior would reveal that even in the happiest and smuggest of situations, most of us still have something to rue about.. “Oh I am so happy with the result, but yea it could have been much better...”, “yep, I’m surely on my way to my aim, but if some things had been my way, things would have been different...” Sounds familiar eh?? Now the point is not that whether we should or should not aim for higher goals, the point is we do succeed in finding something to crib about whenever the hell we can!! To this propensity, my mom often recites to me perspicuously- at a given point in time, there are probably a zillion reasons to feel disconsolate; and probably a few elusive reasons to feel happy… But if you are able to find that one reason, you rise above the rest…

And so I realize, success or failure are deeply relative.. But what is even more mind boggling, is the fact that we get to decide the altitude of our possible achievements (or none of it), by our demeanour towards the world – how we project our status to the people around us…

And thus forms my thorough conviction- attitudes are more important than facts, than money, than failures, than success… We can never change the fact; that people around us (our well-wishers) will continue to act and behave in a certain way… They’ll be omnipresent and never foregoing a chance to take a dig in our current status and find out (right from our mouths) that why it aint better than what it is.., no matter how exhilarating it currently may be..; easily one of the main reasons for our erratic attitude swings from time to time, as I see it. But we can’t change the world’s clichéd perception towards us, or the way it wants to make us feel.. We can’t alter the way the stones in our path have been laid out in the past..

The only thing we can do, is work towards the future, play on the one string we have…
And That Is Our Positive ATTITUDE…


OG said…
Beautifully said..... :)
the only thing to do is to forge forward with Hope!!!!
this post reminds me of the advertisement that I saw some time back... A begger looks at a business man wanting his life, the businessman looks at young student with his head full of hair and so on.... :)
Good one.....
Anurag said…
nice analogy with the ad.. it connects perfectly.. thanks for visiting..
Paramveer said…
right said........attitude is of much importance than facts..............
i would like to read more from your side.
Anonymous said…
quite impressive...!!
Change in attitude cn cum only thru experience and experience cums thru experimenting...!!(Dats wat I feel)
"I had the blues because I had no shoes until upon the street, I met a man who had no feet"(Now, i don think I need to write further)
Neeru's Corner said…
Very well written post...Thanks for visiting my blog...All the best and happy blogging :)
Anurag said…
thanx for the encouragemant. keep visiting..

thanx for the visit and the comment.. getting into the depths i see.. pretty cool..
Anurag said…
thanx for the appreciation and thy visit :)
Unknown said…
hey dude gr8 wrk,seems u'll go miles,keep writing...but tel me r dese thoughts truly urs,i mean,i cudnt read d whole thing,i wil try nxt time..but best of luck :)
Anurag said…
thanks for the wish bro.. and yep, these r my own thoughts..:) hope to see u arnd more often..
Anonymous said…
nice work
extremely well written.... n i agree to ur thoughts totally!
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