A testimonial to time...

TIME... Time is the best healer... Leave your wounded heart and soul to this sanctum, the sanctum of time.., and it will solace your pains like a counselor there ever was...

TIME... Time is the greatest teacher.. Confine your brain to this solitude, the solitude of time.., and experience your mind wander from your blunders of life to your ultimate fantasies... It will show you your demeanour as it hitherto was and as it should be...

TIME.. Time is the closest friend.. In the hour of distress and anxiety..,all you heed are the seconds passing by in the overhead clock..,expecting them to sympathize.., halt, run backward.., perform any task it could, to relieve you, relieve you of its bind..

In the end, my friends, we just need more time..

NEED i say more???

Welcome to the blog..
The TEstimonies Of Time..

Here, in my own little 'time capsule' in the arena of cyberspace, I shall open my mind up.. and shall try to express my lessons, experiences and feelings, learnt in this journey of life, through the omnipresent virtue, called TIME...
Your comments and feedback would ever be invaluable...


Anonymous said…
Nice beginning buddy....keep up the good work!!
Time is a dressmaker specializing in alterations...I hope to see more of such quality blogs...:)
Anurag said…
thnx for the encouragement buddy.. keep visiting..

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