cometh the hour, cometh the thoughts..

Hmmm.. So I’ve been on a thinking spree.. On a rather enchanting yet arduous one at that.. It’s like that giant joy ride at the amusement park that amuses you first but as the speed increases to its max, you begin to feel nauseous..!! I guess that's what free time does to you. Your self-proclaimed-introspection by way of your random-to-the-core tut-tuts and self inflicted scrutinies start taking up gigantic concrete forms, much like that of a rotten shady egg, smelling profoundly of squalor, the sudden shattering of which threatens to engulf your senses in a vast sludge of delusional emotions which have this tendency to play havoc-havoc with your normal disposition.. So when this rotten demoniacal egg assumes a size that would put a dinosaur to a complex, it becomes vital to make the egg boil taking care to keep it from rupture, and ensuring at the same time the slime is quietly transformed to a soft disposable mass..

And thence thou embark on thy blogging voyage..:P No, I’m not considering going for that course in MBS (masters in blogging psychology), but believe me, its awfully apt.. Without dragging any more of my feet around, here's an instance that lead to all this..

All of us make decisions.. At all the crucial junctures (& not so crucial junctures) of our life.. It’s hard to make certain decisions because of our wariness and the supposed susceptibility of those decisions to turn into blunders.. But we do give ‘em our best shot.. Then comes a certain point in our lives where we think it should've been better, or worse, makes us think how can anything lead to all this?? This is where the crucial decisions start taking their toll.. We try and scrutinize every incorrect decision we took and rue the very day we made it.. But do we do the same when we get at a point where we get something better than our expectations? hell..!! We give the achievement credit to luck..!! Didn’t we make certain right decisions then..?

The more you'll dwell into it the more you’ll realize that our fear and over-concern for the ‘bad’ decisions is the missing link to this crazy piece of puzzle... They tend to influence us more because we let them do it...

I’d rather suggest we should just watch more Hollywood stuff.. like Dr. Stephen Hawkins.. And advise against making decisions at all, or lest the more advanced marauding aliens might raid the earth for human brains..:p


Pavitra said…
Woah...Intense post...
You're right...we tend to over-think coz we're afraid of the consequences of not thinking anything through...Some times its just better to take the leap...nicely written...
Anurag said…
hey thnx.. nice interpretation..:) keep visiting..

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