The bliss of uncertainty

It's often said "The journey is more important than the destination". If you happen to delve on this in depth, you realize this applies to plenty of things in life: Aiming for that out of turn promotion, wooing your future spouse, preparing for that elusive job, trying to clear that tough entrance test, and the like...

In the process, when there is a period of undefined uncertainty, when a positive outcome is doubtful, there lies the beauty of positive motivation. Although you might not be fully capable of achieving one particular goal, the bliss of uncertainty and the dreams of "what if", make you travel to the heavens and beyond, probably to a "perfect life" you've been seeking.

Regardless of the output, the process makes you a learned person, with more wisdom and the strength to handle a similar situation in the future.

Its rightly said "Learn to love the journey, failure will only be an outcome you wouldn't bother to regret"



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