The 31st century...

I fondly remember the day when we managed to establish contacts with the first extraterrestrial clan in space.. Our centuries old quest for life in space had finally bore results.. We had achieved what our ancestors had long coveted.. We've come a long way since.. The intermingling of communities was a natural consequence..
Yes, i go to school.. I have to be there each day..From evening to night.. It was called off yesterday, when the mega air generators developed a technical snag.. The enclosed glass building went short of air..
My teacher teaches us a lot of new things.. The onus is really on the comparison of our earth as it had been in the past and as it puts up now.. She says they had tall green living species called 'trees' which gave them oxygen to breathe.. I cant connect to it.. Why would any living being give away its produce for free?
Their food comprised of 'fruits' of plants! I guess they wouldn't have to pay for the nutrition centers, that we visit once a week for our bodily requirements..
She says the temperatures hovered between 20 to 40 degrees around the world! What a damned cold place it would have been!! We don't even have temperatures that low at the north pole today!
Further, There were distinct portions of land called countries and the inhabitants fought over pieces of land!! No such issue with us, considering we spend most our time in air or in space..; most of the 'land' is gobbled up by the seas anyway..
At my domed air sack at home, i usually get across my time by the Time Transporter Modules.. I use my Telepathic Ports to play and chat with my friends on nearby planets.. Some of them had to leave earth during the Resettlement Operation last year.. The 10x Master Processor randomly lists out the inhabitants to be transported every 5 years in order to decongest the overcrowded planet..
I have to help my 'unusual' friend as well, somehow.. He fears getting out in the sun..He cant bear the atmospheric conditions too much..He says his species are in danger of being wiped off..I know how the flora and fauna were wiped off in the early ages... He tells me he is a homo sapien.. I know i should help him reach the Species Conservation Centre across the globe..The aquarium is indispensable for the fishes..
After all, HUMAN BEINGS are an Endangered Species..
thnx a lot.. as always an invaluable opinion..:)
exactly my point..:)