A r e we ever content with what we have? Are we ‘truly’ satisfied with what we achieve whenever we do it? The answer to the not so a million dollar question draws the line between what I perceive ‘positive attitude’ or the negative side of it … A careful introspection of our intrinsic behavior would reveal that even in the happiest and smuggest of situations, most of us still have something to rue about.. “Oh I am so happy with the result, but yea it could have been much better...”, “yep, I’m surely on my way to my aim, but if some things had been my way, things would have been different...” Sounds familiar eh?? Now the point is not that whether we should or should not aim for higher goals, the point is we do succeed in finding something to crib about whenever the hell we can!! To this propensity, my mom often recites to me perspicuously- at a given point in time, there are probably a zillion reasons to feel disconsolate; and probably a few elusive reasons to feel happy… But if you ar...
“5 stars!!!” I squeaked in disbelief as I felt my brow ascend to my forehead, which had contorted as well, gazing at the Saturday HT column. I felt my mind wander back in a trance; back to the time when I had gained it, much enough to analyze the ratings and reviews; stroll from the Chak de Indias to the Bourne Ultimatums.. No!! no other movie had managed to snatch this elusive ‘award’ from Khaled Mohammed in his piece. The closest they ever get, is to a four. The ‘omg’ moment was but, instinctive, even after the 4 globes and the 10 academy award nominations. I’d hence take pleasure (as I usually do) in pointing out the glaring glitches in the much touted movie. First, this being as imperative as the 20 million question on the ‘next day’ itself; NO television quiz show is telecast live on TV anywhere in the world!, let alone India, it takes more than a month to broadcast an episode. Secondly, it might seem absurd if not totally outrageous, that the two slum dwellers, within a couple of...
Well well.. so then i 'm dragged.. uh i mean tagged by this ve ry unreserv ed counterpart ms Swagatika .. And as i forayed, it turned out to be quite amusing.. The rule says- you have to answer t he questions with images and minimum poss ible description.. Here goes my journey... The age you will be on your next birthday: A Place you would like to travel to: Your favourite place: Diplomacy never hurt!! Your favourite food: A dominos meal.. Your favourite Drink: Your favourite pet: Minimum mess i guess.. Your favourite color combination: Contrasting colors... Scientifically too, contrasting colors are the perfect combinations.. eg purple+yellow Your favourite piece of Clothing: an immaculate tuxedo.. The town in which you live: The millenium city.. gurgaon Your dream job: How about being the global ceo of citibank? I know mr.Pandit is taking home just $1, but that's his own decision.. I'll add some zeroes...!! The first thing you will buy if you get a million dollars: My...